Here is my website
Aug 2nd, 2009
I have made a new page! T.O.T.W.! Theme Of The Week. Each week i will feature a new theme. I will list 16 items of that theme (only 2 from each shop at most). Some times i will list the definition. Some times it will be a series of themes for a few weeks. On the themes page you can add a theme using the comment box (that's really a shout out box, don't ask). If you are from Etsy please list your name as you shop, or include your shop in the comment, so i can find you for in case if you have items of a certain theme. Every Wednesday i will look for items for the next them. For other updates, our first S.O.T.W is listed. If you have any questions about the T.O.T.W or S.O.T.W click here. Laters
Aug 1st, 2009
I just wanted to make a little update. Our Silver Lining, will NOT be making any more items until we can get some items sold. Over at Firefly Dreams, every thing is under $15, all of the money will go to OSL for supplies. So, basically we have no more supplies, which means i have been bored out of my mind. So go on and stop by Firefly Dreams and help us out. Thanks! Laters
July 31th, 2009
Our first S.O.T.W. will be listed Sunday night. Keep a look out. I also added a new link to a petition, its in the link sections. I posted a new blog today, i think i got a little to made. Its about people not listening to us endo sufferers. I also posted new pics, you can but the items at . is having a close out sell every thing but one item is under $15. All profits go to OSL to buy supplies. So check it out. Dont for get to come back sunday to see the S.O.T.W. Laters
July 28th, 2009
First update on the update page. As you can see i have added a few new pages: FAQs, Polls, S.O.T.W, OSL Advertisers and this page. Also just a few days ago OSL's fan page finally reached 100 fans so we now have our very own URL: I have also listed new pics for new items. You can buy them at OSL's Etsy shop. Some items for sell are not for donations. So enjoy the new pages they will be worked on for a bit so dont worry if some pages have nothing on them. Thanks every one. Laters