Friday, July 10, 2009

This is from one of my Endo Sisters. Please sign the petiton. thanks

I have signed, we need 10,000 signatures. Please sign.

Please help ME by signing this petition to get Endometriosis on Oprah.
This is not a hoax or a standard email forward. I am sending this to you because I have this disease and it is taking over my life. At 30 years old I have been in pain every single day and I just had my 6th surgery since being diagnosed with Endometriosis on February 5th, 2008.
I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to click the link below and sign this petition. It will only take 1 minute of your time. Every day millions of women struggle with this disease, either with constant chronic pelvic pain, infertility, or both. It effects more woman than breast cancer but most people don't talk about it. Chances are you know someone with this disease (like me) and you may not even know it.
There's only 200 signatures and 10,000 are needed. Since this is a woman's only disease it does not get the attention it should. We need help spreading awareness in hopes to someday find a cause and a cure to this life long debilitating disease. Your help is greatly appreciated.

P.S. It's extra appreciated if you can help me spread the word. Please forward this email to others you believe would be willing to help me out.
Thanks so much

Danielle McDowell

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